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Btss Jungkook And Jimin Shine In Military Graduation Ceremony Photos

BTS's Jungkook and Jimin Shine in Military Graduation Ceremony Photos

New Images Released on Official App

Fans of the popular K-pop boy band BTS have been treated to a rare glimpse of Jungkook and Jimin during their mandatory military service. Recent photos of the duo were released through the official app of the military, showcasing their training experiences.

First Public Appearance Since Enlistment

These photographs mark the first public appearances of Jungkook and Jimin since their enlistment in December 2022. The images depict the singers donning military uniforms, participating in drills, and engaging in various activities at the training camp.

Positive Response from Fans

The release of the photos has garnered an overwhelmingly positive response from BTS fans worldwide. Many have expressed their admiration for the idols' dedication and hard work during their military service. The images have also sparked a sense of anticipation for the band's eventual return to the music scene.

Support and Pride

Fans have taken to social media to share their support and pride for Jungkook and Jimin. The hashtags #BTSMilitaryPics and #JungkookJiminMilitary have been trending on platforms like Twitter and Instagram, as fans express their well wishes for the singers' well-being and safe completion of their service.
