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5 Cities Where The Rich Live A Middle Class Lifestyle

American Cities Where the Wealthy Live Middle-Class Lifestyles

Income Disparity and Lifestyle Choices

In a time when income inequality is a growing concern, it may be surprising to learn that there are American cities where high-income earners, even multimillionaires, choose to live middle-class lifestyles. According to the Pew Research Center, the middle class has steadily contracted in the past five years, and this trend is expected to continue. Despite this, there are pockets of affluence in America where the wealthiest individuals buck the trend and live lives that are surprisingly modest.

Five American Cities Where Millionaires Live Middle-Class Lifestyles

Here are five American cities where millionaires and billionaires live distinctly middle-class lifestyles despite their vast wealth:

1. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The capital city of Louisiana is slightly more expensive than Baltimore but it still sits below the national average for cost of living. This makes it an attractive location for wealthy individuals who want to live a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank.
